Steady state characteristic |
Time constant |
Action potential |
In the following, I illustrate the dynamics of a strand of connexins (1D system) that is periodically excited by a propagating action potential. The interesting phenomena occur when the characteristics of the connexins are set to mimic a diseased cardiac tissue (ischemic situation). One can lower the overall conductivity (to 40% of its nominal value) and we can also shrink the range of ΔΦ for which the connexin steady state is close to its maximum value as illustrated in the figure below
The newly introduced "shrinking factor" FS quantifies the degree by which the plateau of the steady state connexin characteristics is reduced. We have done several "exploratory" simulations by varying this factor FS and the results are shown below for 5 different values of the FS. In addition to the space time plots showing the value of the connexin after each stimulation (Period=480 ms) we have also created some animations that are showing the evolution in the "phase" plane (g, ΔΦ) of the different connexins. We have two "stroboscopic" measurements corresponding to the two hallmarks (h1 and h2) represented in the figure above of the propagating action potential. In the animations, the cloud of points on the left corresponds to h1 (depolarization) and the cloud of points on the right corresponds to h2 (repolarization). The color code used to represent the points in the plane (g, ΔΦ) codifies the "residence time" (units are ms), i.e., the time it takes for the wave to travel between two adjacent cells surrounding the given connexin. More details of this study and the explanation of the dynamics can be found in the article by C. Hawks et al. (2019).